2013年2月26日 星期二


“如今72歲等於古代30歲”英國《金融時報》 諾爾瑪•科恩倫敦報導
的確,位於德國羅斯托克的馬克斯•普朗克人口學研究所(Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)的研究人員表示,自1900年以來,在降低各個年齡段人群死亡率方面的進展如此快速,以至於人類預期壽命的提高速度超過了此前20萬年(各種類人動物在20萬年前開始向現代人進化)。
這份發表在《美國國家科學院院報》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States)上的研究,選取了瑞典男士和日本男士為研究對象——這兩國是當今預期壽命最長的兩個國家。
另外,參與該研究的科學家們表示,人類壽命的可能極限不再清晰。馬克斯•普朗克的博士後研究員、該研究的領導者奧斯卡•布格爾(Oskar Burger)說:“人類壽命可以延長到多少歲?我們無從得知。”

2013年2月21日 星期四








2013年2月4日 星期一

Claude Lévi-Strauss 論老年


Lévi-Strauss - "shattered hologram" of aging.

I've been having a go at Jim Holt's popular book  "Why does the world exist? An existential detective story."  After three chapters of fascinating quotes from famous ancient and modern philosophers and scientists I skipped to the epilogue, and found a striking account given by the author of attending a small party at the Collège de France in celebration of the ninetieth birthday of Claude Lévi-Strauss. Lévi-Strauss was asked to give a little speech to the group, and begins with: 
"Montaigne said that aging diminishes us each day in a way that, when death finally arrives, it takes away only a quarter or half the man. But Montaigne only lived to be fifty-nine, so he could have no idea of the extreme old age I find myself in today" - which, he adds, was one of the "most curious surprises of my existence."  He says he feels like a "shattered hologram" that has lost its unity but that still retains an image of the whole self. 
Lévi-Strauss goes on to talk about the "dialogue"  between the eroded self he has become - le moi réel - and the ideal self that coexists with it - le moi métronymique.  The latter, planning ambitious new intellectual projects, says to the former,  "You must continue."  But the former replies, "That's your business - only you can see things whole."  Levi-Strauss then thanks those of us assembled for helping him silence this futile dialogue and allowing his two selves of "coincide" again for a moment - "although," he adds,  "I am well aware that le moi réel will continue to sink toward its ultimate dissolution."
What an incredible description of what we experience as we continually loose our brain cells during aging: a receding shadow of the richness of the world once integrated by their antecedent and larger ensemble. 

The final lines of Holt's epilogue, and the book:

Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. 

-AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil's Dictionary